I’ve been featured on the home page, and in the October 19, 2013 issue, of the iZania newsletter. iZania is a Black business community created to facilitate the growth of Black-owned businesses, and also to be an advocate for social issues in the Black community:

Harmony Major featured on iZania.com - Black business community


Coincidentally, I found this lovely write-up when I was checking that I had the link correct to recommend iZania itself. Imagine my surprise when I found my very own smiling face! :}

iZania.com is a great resource to check before making your next local or online purchase, to see if you can help support a Black business, which of course helps our communities thrive and grow. iZania is good for like-minded entrepreneurs seeking to find and support fellow Black-owned businesses. Roger Madison Jr., the owner, frequently publishes thought-provoking, insightful articles that address the state of our world and our commerce and inspire some great discussions.