Social Media Marketing & Management Services:
Attract Clients, Gain Awareness, and Grow Faster.

From help choosing a network, to growing your following and total management, all of your needs are covered. While we work, you get to work on other things.

What Can Social Media Marketing Do for YOU?

From a recent study of 2,800 Internet marketers:

  • 92% say social media marketing has generated more exposure for their business.
  • 80% of businesses say social media marketing increased website traffic.
  • More than half of businesses using social media for 3+ years say it’s helped improve sales.
  • Over 50% of businesses spending 6+ hours/wk on social media marketing say it’s helped improve sales.
  • Over 50% of businesses that invested 1+ years in social media marketing say new partnerships were gained.
  • At least 57% of businesses with 10 or fewer employees agreed social media reduced marketing expenses.
  • At least 58% of businesses using social media marketing for 1+ years report improved search engine rankings.
  • 69% of businesses that invested 1+ years in social media marketing found it useful for building a loyal fan base (esp. B2C, at 77%).

With Purposeful Strategy,
Social Media Marketing Can Help You Meet Your Business Goals, Too.

How We Help

Our Process: From Strategy to Execution

Below is our full social media management process,
although we’ll handle as many or as few stages as you need.

After the contract starts, you’ll have a detailed strategy session with H.T., lasting about one hour.

During this call, we learn your company culture, your personality, your current business goals, your immediate campaign goals, who you foresee maintaining your social profiles, and more.

Near the end of the session, based on the answers and information you share, we’ll recommend the best course of action for your unique social media presence.

You’ll receive answers to questions like:

What social networks are best for your company? How many should you choose? Which networks(s) should you start with? Why?

The worst thing a modern company could do (aside from not having a Web presence at all) is to sign up with a social network, but have no strategic plan for keeping it going. We begin creating your custom strategy right from the beginning.

Online, the “first impression” people get of your company consists of how your website and all social media fit together. Is either one disjointed or barely attractive? Or are both high-class and flawless?

When people visit your website and your social media profile(s), they should instantly realize that each piece represents you. That’s why your social media package includes professional profile design and customization consistent with your brand.

In this stage, we create:

✔ A large professional header that tells what your company offers, and makes a powerful statement.

✔ A profile logo, photo, or “avatar” (depending on the network), so people will easily identify your posts and your brand across the network.

Customization of all colors, as much as possible for that network, to match your brand’s color scheme. (If you don’t yet have a scheme, we create one using modern color psychology as the basis.)

If needed, this can include touching up your logo for use on the Web. (If we designed your logo when creating your website, you’re already set. But if not, and your current logo is grainy, blurry, or has other quality issues, we’ll reproduce it to ensure a high-class presentation for your online image.)

Once your design is complete, we do intensive research to uncover how the most successful social media accounts in YOUR industry are built and maintained.

Because if you don’t know that… how could you possibly be one of them?

We dig up things like:

  • Hot Topics: What does your audience most like to read, learn, and share?
  • Top Competitors: Who are your industry’s top experts?
  • Keywords & Hashtags: What “buzz words” does your audience use to find and connect with companies like yours?
  • News Outlets & Media Sources: Who do people follow to stay on top of industry news? Who do they contact to get their message out fast, to the widest audience?
  • Common Follower Personas: What type of person is your “ideal” follower, and where can we find them?

Expertly researching your industry ensures that every social media move we make for your company makes YOU look:

  • professional,
  • competent,
  • worthy of industry support.

Anything else would be injurious to your bottom line.

We compile all this data in a well-organized, meaty PDF and transmit it for your approval. This document serves as your Social Media Content Strategy, and will be the starting point for your marketing going forward.

Because you have to divide your work hours between so many different activities, the best way to prevent overwhelm and remain efficient is to automate everything that makes sense.

To assist, we gather a few weeks’ worth of content at a time to post to your social media network. Then, we schedule it to post for you—automatically—at the times the highest number of your followers are online:

  • First, we uncover the average best times to post for your specific industry.
  • We post at those times only until you have enough fans for us to analyze when they are online.
  • We reanalyze and readjust your post timing regularly and often, to ensure you’re keeping up with the times your followers are ready and listening.

However, we use automation to keep your costs lower and increase your convenience. We do not automate all of your social posting!

We still connect, in real time, with your current and potential fans, business partners—and sometimes even competitors!—to ensure that you’re truly being “social” with your network. Doing so is the only way to get maximum exposure, grow your community faster, and build credibility to achieve your goals.

Here’s where we add content to your profile before there are fans or followers to see it.

Indeed, we haven’t even driven people to your page at this stage. Sounds backwards… but there’s a, dare we say, “excellent” reason for that.

Publishing quality content first makes it much easier and faster to get fans once we do start promoting your social account.

If we led people to a dead and barren profile, they’d have no interest in following you at all.

So in this stage, we gather and publish several posts to your social accounts in preparation for the next step…

By now, we’ve built your social media community in an orderly, natural way and we’re driving people to a social profile that has interesting posts loaded on it. And your followers are ready to interact.

This stage of driving fans (usually up to 100 per social profile, to start) can take several weeks, as, again, these are real people that may take a little time to start feeling like part of your community.

“Why only up to 100 ‘starter’ followers included? Why not 200? 500? 1,000??”

A common misconception when using social media for business is that the more fans you have, the better you look—no matter what.

To people who value quantity over quality, sure. That’s true.

But that’s a terrible—and damaging—social media strategy.

Only interested, active supporters impress potential clients and partners.

So we focus on getting those first interested members to your social community, then entertaining them with interesting posts. As momentum builds, fans flow in more regularly and with less effort, so long as we continue providing the posts and the personality that got them there.

Make sense?

“Can we buy our first few fans to quickly increase follower numbers from zero?

I understand the concern: It can look a bit disconcerting when a company’s social media only has a few followers. And to your small business, it can seem like this stage lasts forever.

But while many businesses do buy followers (which end up being fake accounts!), Excellent Presence only sends real, human, and hopefully active fans.

The problem with buying followers is that it looks a lot worse when a company has lots of fans… but none of them ever say anything.


Instead of boosting your credibility in the eyes of would-be supporters, customers, and partners, this DAMAGES your credibility, because they’re asking themselves:

“What could be so wrong with this company that none of their followers talk?? It’s just their own employees talking with each other, asking questions that never get answered!”

Seems suspicious, right?

It does to would-be supporters, too.

Even if they didn’t realize you’d bought fake followers, they’d sense that something was “off.” That’s why Excellent Presence only sends real, live supportersbecause only humans are able to be active in your community. Of course. ;)

In this stage, we compile top news, quotes, and industry resources your fans will be able to identify with, enjoy, and share.

Knowing what they want to see and where we can find it is easy now—again, due to all the research we did in Stage 3.

Even though we just began sending followers to your social network, we won’t start posting the content we’re gathering here for a few weeks yet.

That gives those initial followers time to begin trickling in and engaging.

The little “archive” of content we posted before they arrived will satisfy them until we send you enough new followers to “spend” this new content on.

See how this plan is all coming together?

Finally, the hardest work is over, which your initial investment has funded.

Your company’s social media profile has been fully set up at this point. You can start showing it off at any time.

So at this point, we switch your social media marketing to “monitoring mode.”

That means we’re maintaining any existing connections we’ve made for you, and continuing to market your social profile across your industry.

We’re also still entertaining your current fans, attracting new supporters, and establishing new connections, to keep driving more and more people to your website or social campaign.

Ready to tell us what help you need?

Start a Quote for Social Media Marketing and/or Management

 No Obligation.

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